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xp模式安裝不成功?win 7下解決辦法一覽

日期:2017/4/18 11:00:27      編輯:關於Windows7系統教程

  win 7下是有xp的模式的,只是很多人可能不清楚,不過如果大家有需要用到這個模式的話不妨安裝一下,但是有很多用戶會遇到安裝不成功的狀況,不知用過Windows 7中XP模式的用戶有沒有遇到過下面的情況,安裝過程中出現:

  “The file could not be written.”

  “Virtual hard disk could not be attached to the virtual machine. Please check the values provided and try again.”.





xp模式安裝不成功?win 7下解決辦法一覽



  When installing Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode in Windows 7, the installation may halt with the following error messages:

  “The file could not be written.”

  “Virtual hard disk could not be attached to the virtual machine. Please check the values provided and try again.”



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