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日期:2017/1/25 10:53:55      編輯:關於Linux



  我們直接運行hostname可以查看目前的主機名稱,要查看hostname的其它命令參數,運行hostname -h如下:


  Usage: hostname [-v] {hostname|-F file} set hostname (from file)

  domainname [-v] {nisdomain|-F file} set NIS domainname (from file)

  hostname [-v] [-d|-f|-s|-a|-i|-y|-n] display formatted name

  hostname [-v] display hostname《/p》 《p》hostname -V|–version|-h|–help print info and exit《/p》 《p》dnsdomainname=hostname -d, {yp,nis,}domainname=hostname -y《/p》 《p》-s, –short short host name

  -a, –alias alias names

  -i, –ip-address addresses for the hostname

  -f, –fqdn, –long long host name (FQDN)

  -d, –domain DNS domain name

  -y, –yp, –nis NIS/YP domainname

  -F, –file read hostname or NIS domainname from given file《/p》 《p》This command can read or set the hostname or the NIS domainname. You can

  also read the DNS domain or the FQDN (fully qualified domain name)。

  Unless you are using bind or NIS for host lookups you can change the

  FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) and the DNS domain name (which is

  part of the FQDN) in the /etc/hosts file.



  hostname -v 新的主機名


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