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 Windows教程網 >> Linux系統教程 >> 關於Linux >> Linux系統通過命令使用FTP的方法


日期:2017/1/25 10:16:39      編輯:關於Linux




  -bash-3.00$ ftp連接另外一台主機)

  Connected to (。

  220 (vsFTPd 1.2.1)

  Name ( xxxxx

  331 Please specify the password.


  230 Login successful.

  Remote system type is UNIX.

  Using binary mode to transfer files.

  ftp》 ls

  227 Entering Passive Mode (139,185,21,141,216,189)

  150 Here comes the directory listing.

  -rw-r--r-- 1 60202384 60402384 524 Aug 08 00:37 temp1.out

  226 Directory send OK.

  ftp》 pwd(ftp命令下也可以執行普通的linux命令,pwd,ls,cd…)

  257 “/slot/ems2384/appmgr”

  ftp》 ls temp1*

  227 Entering Passive Mode (139,185,21,141,178,113)

  150 Here comes the directory listing.

  -rw-r--r-- 1 60202384 60402384 524 Aug 08 00:37 temp1.out

  226 Directory send OK.

  ftp》 get temp1.out(從另一台主機往本地下載文件)

  local: temp1.out remote: temp1.out

  227 Entering Passive Mode (139,185,21,141,126,148)

  150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for temp1.out (524 bytes)。

  226 File send OK.

  524 bytes received in 0.0017 secs (3e 02 Kbytes/sec)

  ftp》 put INVLTENT.plx_bk(從本機往另外一台主機上傳文件)

  local: INVLTENT.plx_bk remote: INVLTENT.plx_bk

  227 Entering Passive Mode (139,185,21,141,109,145)

  150 FILE: INVLTENT.plx_bk.1

  226 File receive OK.

  331776 bytes sent in 0.00457 secs (7.1e 04 Kbytes/sec)

  ftp》 bye(退出)

  221 Goodbye. 上一頁12下一頁共2頁

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